About Our Congregation
Be a disciple. Disciple your brothers and sisters, and disciple the nations.
Our Congregation.
Christ Reformed Evangelical Church is a local gathering of saints who love the Lord Jesus Christ because He first loved us. We are evangelical and reformed. By evangelical, we mean that we proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the world, that He is the only way of salvation, and believe that Christ came to accomplish just that - the salvation of the world. By reformed, we mean that we stand in the stream of historical Protestantism; we believe that God's sovereignty is absolutely exhaustive, and we embrace the doctrines of grace wholeheartedly.
Our Worship.
Our worship is characterized by weekly covenant renewal, which includes:
Call to Worship
Confession of sins
Consecration by the Word of God
Communion with the saints of all ages
Singing of psalms and hymns robustly to God
We believe God desires the corporate worship of all of His people together, from the youngest to the oldest, so we have no children’s church.
Online Donations
If you would like to give to our church online, you may do so here.
Our Denomination.
The Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches is a growing body of congregations spanning much of the world, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Central Europe and Southern Asia.
The churches of the CREC uphold and embrace the historic Christian Creeds listed under Our Documents.
Each congregation also affirms the evangelical tenets of Protestantism, holding to one or more confessional documents of the Reformation.
How We Worship: https://www.christkirk.com/sermon/shape-of-christian-worship/
Our Music.
We sing psalms and hymns at CREC. If you are new to and unfamiliar with the music, or are just interested in learning more, we want to help. You can listen to many of the songs we sing at Christkirk music library, as well as on youtube.com at the playlist for Christ Church, Moscow, ID.
Our Meetings and gatherings.
We have Sunday School for kids and adults on Sundays at 8:45am.
Men meet at the church for a time of fellowship and theological discussion on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 8pm.
Women meet for fellowship and discussion on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, from 7:30-9pm; and for book study on the 1st and 3rd Fridays, from 9-11am. Both are at the church and on Zoom.
Teens gather as friends after church and during the week, and for regular teen and young adult meetings at the church or parsonage.
Children meet for Sunday School and participate in the church service; and play, laugh, and build friendships after church and when their families gather together for meals as a church family. There are also events kids participate in, like the nativity play and Epiphany, Easter, Reformation Day, and home-schooling events, during the year.
We share a Fellowship Meal on the 2nd Sunday of each month. We love to have visitors stay and eat with us.