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Dan Nash, pastor

Dan Nash is a man of many talents. He loves gourmet cooking, smoking meats, and camping. He has been a manager, and a trainer of managers, in a few McDonald's restaurants and a Walmart, worked in management at a vineyard, lead ministries at homeless shelters, taught at a Christian school, coordinated and led missions trips to Peru, and has been a pastor and elder. In February 2021 he was installed as the new pastor of CREC Annapolis (our church). He is full of ideas, energy, compassion and passion.

Having grown up in the Annapolis region, Dan moved south to Arkansas in 2004,  then, later, to Louisiana. He has returned to Annapolis from Monroe, Louisiana, to pastor us, and is joined by his wife, Rachel, and three of their eight children. As of summer 2024, he has ten grandchildren.

Dan’s goal as a Christian and a pastor is to disciple and to teach his congregation to be disciplers - to disciple our brothers and sisters, and disciple the nations.

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Ken Trovato, elder

Ken used to be a helicopter pilot. He also sold helicopters that were delivered as far away as Alaska. Now he works in the security sales field. His real focuses, though, are being active, taking guests out on boats, helping people, socializing, and working on projects on his large property so it's as much fun as possible for church family and his five children and seven grandchildren (so far) to be there. One of the big events he and his wife, Jana, host is the Reformation Day picnic, where we eat, play, and sing around a big bonfire.

He has been with Christ Reformed Evangelical Church (CREC) since it began in 1998, and has served as an elder for most of that time.

His vision for CREC is that we be prescriptive, that we worship in the way the Bible describes worship, and that we truly form family bonds that cause us to turn to, help, pray for, and desire to spend time with each other.

Andrew Ruff, deacon

Andrew became a deacon in late 2018. He handles the financial matters of our church and is involved with the church's technical, computer and internet-related needs.

Since marrying his wife, Ashlynn, and having now four children - all boys - his interest in snowboarding and racecars have taken a back seat in his life, but he is cautiously optimistic about being able to get involved with them again someday. Maybe with his teenage boys. In the meantime, he likes playing complicated board games.

Andrew's vision for our church is that we would worship God faithfully, as one body of Christ, and that our love for Christ would overflow into service and building our relationships with one another.

Josh Grefe, deacon

Josh likes to work on home projects with his kids. He is an electrician who works on construction sites and he is renovating the house his wife grew up in, so he is accustomed to thinking about how to improve his surroundings. His four kids are homeschooled and he is their “shop teacher”.

When he is not working or teaching, he likes to read theology and have political discussions, working from the standpoint that Jesus is King and we are to obey Him.

Josh and his family live in a metropolitan area, and his parents, who attend a CREC church in West Virginia, live in the mountains and country, so his kids get the best of both worlds.

His parents immigrated from England before Josh was born, and their view about the issues that caused them to leave the UK influenced his outlook on life and gave him a unique foundation for his conservative Christian beliefs.